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Dictionary Infusion becomes Terms Infusion
ModsThe next version on the Dictionary Infusion has become the Terms Infusion. Folders and files have been renamed and database tables and field names in those tables have been updated to reflect the change. This requires a more complicated update procedure than before but it is all documented in the readme.
Still scheduled are the modification of maincore.php that will allow the use of [glos] [/glos] tags. Between those tags, a term (single word, not a phrase yet, I am afraid) will become a link to the page with the description of the term. As the description field already allows the use of BBcode it is well suited to give nicely formatted descriptions. Even illustrations are possible (though it needs some work for consistent page layout). The good news is: The basics are already working on my localhost site and a 'demo' is gven in the relevant forum thread.

The Dictionary will not be lost alltogether. I will start modifying the files so that it should be possible choose upon infusion whether it will be a Glossary or a Dictionary (offering two different files, one of which should be renamed to infusion.php). Using an admin setting it should also be possible to switch using different features for the Dictionary or Glossary and at the same time switch locale files.
#1 | Homdax on May 17 2006 16:10:51
#2 | muscapaul on May 17 2006 17:29:29
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01/12/2021 16:45
Szép napot

13/06/2021 07:01
I found this site again!

21/04/2020 18:32

11/11/2013 00:48
Cool! This site is still around!

18/10/2013 20:28
hey! Smile

25/06/2011 01:40
My name is Andreo, I'm new member Smile

25/06/2011 01:39
Hello Muscapaul, is there anyone here ?

13/09/2010 01:02
nice mod thanks Smile

10/07/2010 15:01
Paul, hows thing?

07/07/2010 03:47
Who becomes the world champion on football? We wil

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