New infusion/mod and Terms Infusion update

Notice: Undefined index: user_status in /home/muscapal/public_html/print.php on line 80
Posted by muscapaul on May 11 2007 16:51:49
The first public alpha is presented for a Forum Threads Limiter. In the whole forum there may be forums (like Off-topic, or Lounge) that are (ab)used too often and that muddle or obscure the on-topic forums. The Forum Threads Limiter will enable you to set a limit on the number of new threads created in a forum during a certain period (measured in multiples of 24 hours). Also, it can happen that certain members flood forums and you want to prevent that. The Forum Threads Limiter also enables you to set a limit on the number of new threads a single user can create in a forum during a certain period (again measured in multiples of 24 hours). See Forum for more.

A new update of the Terms Infusions was released to cover for the last PHP-Fusion core update (a little overdue, I know). It is now made available as version 1.00 and no longer a Release Candidate). Simply replacing the files in the appropriate folder should suffice. See Forum for more.