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Newsletter Infusion v2.xx
np, could I get a email or something when it happens?


New version: v2.03

- Newsletters in html format will now be displayed properly.
- Fixed inserted link for image in newsletter ('fusion_' removed).
- Error fixed: Upgrade script was faulty for updating the admin rights in the admin table. If you experience any problems related to admin rights, please run the code as given in the forum on http://www.muscap...read_id=38.
- Some file headers updated.

DOWNLOAD (last version: 13.02.2009)
13.02.2009: German locale added.

Edited by muscapaul on 13-02-2009 14:51

Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like banana (Groucho Marx)

sites: (site owner); www.phpfusion-ned... (superadministrator)
Paul, is this the correct link? I get the same link as the previous version. I even tried this one and the preview in html still displays text.

Edited by RaptureReady on 09-01-2009 04:08
I guess the autocomplete got the better of me when I added the download. It linked to the previous version. It should be okay now.

Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like banana (Groucho Marx)

sites: (site owner); www.phpfusion-ned... (superadministrator)
Awesome sir, looks great, thanks for your hard work. Smile

Edited by RaptureReady on 10-01-2009 04:22
I need subscribe / unsubscribe all users. How can i make this?
Edited by Galdech on 12-01-2009 02:27
It is possible, but I have not done it: see the question HERE and my answer.

Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like banana (Groucho Marx)

sites: (site owner); www.phpfusion-ned... (superadministrator)
pls find the GERMAN locale file.

pls one more question,
what i have to write in a newsletter text to get the USERS name in it?
something like <?php $username ?> in HTML text ??

? zip attachment dont work?
Download source  Code

// Infusion titles & description
$locale['NL100'] = "Newsletters";
$locale['NL101'] = "Newsletter Teilnehmer Auswahl.";
// Current Newsletters
$locale['NL400'] = "Aktuelle Newsletter";
$locale['NL401'] = "&Auml;ndern";
$locale['NL402'] = "L&ouml;schen";
$locale['NL403'] = "Newsletter Teilnehmer Auswahl";
// Add/Edit/Delete Newsletter
$locale['NL410'] = "Neu Newsletter";
$locale['NL411'] = "&Auml;ndern Newsletter";
$locale['NL412'] = "Senden Newsletter";
$locale['NL413'] = "L&ouml;schen Newsletter";
$locale['NL414'] = "Newsletter zugef&uuml;gt";
$locale['NL415'] = "Newsletter gespeichert";
$locale['NL416'] = "Newsletter verschickt.";
$locale['NL417'] = "Newsletter konnte nicht abgeschickt werden.";
$locale['NL418'] = "Bitte pr&uuml;fen ob sendmail richtig eingestellt ist.";
$locale['NL419'] = "Keine Mitglieder fuer Newsletter eingetragen.";
$locale['NL420'] = "Newsletter gel&ouml;scht";
$locale['NL421'] = "Zur&uuml;ck Newsletters Admin";
$locale['NL422'] = "Zur&uuml;ck Admin Index";
// Add/Edit Newsletter Form
$locale['NL430'] = "Betreffzeile:";
$locale['NL431'] = "Inhalt:";
$locale['NL432'] = "HTML Code:";
$locale['NL433'] = "Format:";
$locale['NL434'] = "nur Text";
$locale['NL435'] = "HTML";
$locale['NL436'] = "Vorschau Newsletter";
$locale['NL437'] = "Speichern Newsletter";
$locale['NL438'] = "Senden Newsletter";
// Popup Error/Warning Messages
$locale['NL450'] = "Betreff angeben";
$locale['NL451'] = "L&ouml;schen Newsletter?";
// Delete Newsletter Subscriber
$locale['NL470'] = "L&ouml;schen Newsletter Teilnehmer";
$locale['NL471'] = "Der Teilnehmer wurde aus der Liste entfernt";
$locale['NL472'] = "Zur&uuml;ck zu Newsletter Teilnehmer Verwaltung";
// Newsletter Subscription Management
$locale['NL480'] = "Teilnehmer";
$locale['NL481'] = "Auswahl";
$locale['NL482'] = "Keine Newsletter Teilnehmer";
$locale['NL483'] = "Keine Namen beginnen mit ";
$locale['NL484'] = "Alle";
$locale['NL485'] = "L&ouml;sche Newsletter Teilnehmer?";
// Newsletter Panel
$locale['NL500'] = "Newsletter";
$locale['NL501'] = "Zum Erhalt von mails ".$settings['sitename']." klick Teilnehmen.";
$locale['NL502'] = "Keine mails erhalten von  ".$settings['sitename']." klick Abmelden.";
$locale['NL503'] = "Teilnehmen";
$locale['NL504'] = "Abmelden";

Edited by kll on 12-02-2009 20:40
Thanks for the German translation. I have added it to the download.

Adding the username to the Newsletter would require quite some adaptation. Currently the Newsletter is sent in groups of 100 using. Adding the name to the Newsletter would require that every Newsletter is sent separately. It can be done but will put more stress on the MySQL- and mailserver. Unfortunately (for you) I don't have time to look into that now.

Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like banana (Groucho Marx)

sites: (site owner); www.phpfusion-ned... (superadministrator)
Here are the norwegian locale for this infusion.

By the way, did you have any newsletter-infusion for none-registered users?

When the panel is turned on for guests, it becomes very very wide with some errors. Is it supposed to be that way, or shouldnt it be like the member poll, that tells you that you have to be logged in to vote?
Storfiskarn attached the following file:
Edited by Storfiskarn on 26-02-2009 03:27
Please, edit you post to attach the locale...

The standard Newsletter Infusion does not allow guests to register so the Panel is not supposed to be shown to guests. That's why you get the errors.

A version of the Open Newsletter that should work is in the attachment. I think it works properly on the one site I made it available to. You have a go at it. If it works as it should I will prepare a formal release.
muscapaul attached the following file:
Edited by muscapaul on 25-02-2009 16:01

Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like banana (Groucho Marx)

sites: (site owner); www.phpfusion-ned... (superadministrator)
Well, it seems like it works. I havent yet tried sending newsletters since i dont have any subscriptions yet, but as soon as my first newsletter is done I will tell you how it works.
muscapaul wrote:
Please, edit you post to attach the locale...

The standard Newsletter Infusion does not allow guests to register so the Panel is not supposed to be shown to guests. That's why you get the errors.

A version of the Open Newsletter that should work is in the attachment. I think it works properly on the one site I made it available to. You have a go at it. If it works as it should I will prepare a formal release.

is it possible to make, so it IS showing to guest, butt says something like, "Sign up to register on newsletter"
I will work on that.

Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like banana (Groucho Marx)

sites: (site owner); www.phpfusion-ned... (superadministrator)
I can see that there is four sign-ups on the newsletter, but I only see one of them when I enter the admin-newsletter menu.
Is that because you only see members who have signed on to the newsletter? If that is why, is it possible to make it so that I can see both members and guests?
Perhaps they did not activate their subscriptions yet.

Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like banana (Groucho Marx)

sites: (site owner); www.phpfusion-ned... (superadministrator)
Well, Im not sure about that. It has now gone a few days without any change. The only one I see is one of the members who registered.
New version: v2.04

- Subscription panel updated to allow it to be seen by Guests, too. They will get the notice that the Newsletter is for Members only.

Please note:
- One line was added to the locale files. So far only the English and Dutch locales are complete in their own language. All other languages have the last definition added in English.
- Panel visibility needs to be set to Public in Admin Panel -> System Admin -> Panels make it visible to Guests, too.

DOWNLOAD (last version: 15.09.2009)
04.03.2009: Norwegian locale added;
06.09.2009: Italian locale added (Otaner);
06.09.2009: Bulgarian locale added (hippocanjump);
15.09.2009: French locale added (kiko26).

Edited by muscapaul on 16-09-2009 01:14

Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like banana (Groucho Marx)

sites: (site owner); www.phpfusion-ned... (superadministrator)
Now that I have installed the "open newsletter" infusion, is it possible to upgrade to the latest version that you added now?
They are entirely different infusions and, as far as I am aware of, you should even be able to use them next to each other as they ought to use different database tables. Mind you, that means that a newsletter sent with one system ewill not be sent to the subscribers of the other. (Is that perhaps the reason for the discrepancy between the subscriber numbers you mentioned above?)

Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like banana (Groucho Marx)

sites: (site owner); www.phpfusion-ned... (superadministrator)
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01/12/2021 16:45
Szép napot

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Cool! This site is still around!

18/10/2013 20:28
hey! Smile

25/06/2011 01:40
My name is Andreo, I'm new member Smile

25/06/2011 01:39
Hello Muscapaul, is there anyone here ?

13/09/2010 01:02
nice mod thanks Smile

10/07/2010 15:01
Paul, hows thing?

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Who becomes the world champion on football? We wil

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