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Terms Infusion v1.xx
Pre-release of Dictionary Infusion.

* Some navigation issues need to be solved (adding some links, etc.). DONE
* Images for ratings need to be added. DONE
* Readme needs to be added. DONE

The expanded zip archive contains a folder dictionary. This should be uploaded to the infusions folder of your PHP-Fusion installation. Further installation as any other infusion.

DOWNLOAD: (last updated: 06.04.2006) (updated version below)

Dictionary display only (admin screenshots will be added later):
http://www.muscap...ionary.php (also accessible through the Navigation panel).
Edited by muscapaul on 18-10-2007 01:52
I added to the TO DO:
Resolve the issues of category visibility of different user levels. (At present, there is the option to set that visibility, but in practice it is either members or no-members.) DONE
Edited by muscapaul on 21-04-2006 12:25
Okay, the most tricky bits seem to have been straightened out. I will work on the remaining stuff early next week and I will upload the new version when I have finished.
For completeness-sake: The infusion is a heavy modification of nick56's Advanced DownloadDB System. He will recognize his own code in the different files, even though is does something completely different. Here is his site:http://www.nichel.... Acknowledgements will be given in all script files.
Probably due to an error in dictionary.php (division by zero) and next clicking on a link while viewing and individual item (can only to submit a comment or a rating) I was banned from my own sites today (IP). ATM I advise against using the rating system and submitting comments with any term. I have found the source of the error (it was not in the part of the code I wrote Smile though maybe my modification made it act up Frown) and corrected it. Tomorrow (that is, 12-13 hours from now) I will upload the corrected version together with the other stuff.

Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like banana (Groucho Marx)

sites: (site owner); www.phpfusion-ned... (superadministrator)
Finally, access again!

Update is available:

* Add link back to terms list on page with individual term. DONE (see post below)
* Add option to change maximum number of displayed item on a page to Dictionarey General Settings. DONE (see post below)
* Correct html code parsing on page with terms list. DONE (see posts below)
* Resolve formatting issue on admin pages in some themes. DONE (see post below)

DOWNLOAD: (last updated: 25.04.2006)
Edited by muscapaul on 15-05-2006 15:04

Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like banana (Groucho Marx)

sites: (site owner); www.phpfusion-ned... (superadministrator)
Update is available:

In this update:
* Text field for Translation in dictionary_admin.php bigger.
* Resolved formatting issue on admin pages in some themes.
* Link back to terms list on page with individual term added.
* Option to change maximum number of displayed item on a page to Dictionarey General Settings added.

* Correct html code parsing on page with terms list. DONE (see post below)
* Check page navigation for user levels with partly restricted access. When viewing all categories, the number of items counted is the total in the database, not the total that may be viewed. DONE (see post below)

DOWNLOAD: (last updated: 28.04.2006)

To get an idea what I have in mind at a later stage, click on >> Potato <<.
Edited by muscapaul on 09-05-2006 13:09

Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like banana (Groucho Marx)

sites: (site owner); www.phpfusion-ned... (superadministrator)

<?php // Danish translation by Helmuth Mikkelsen helmuthm (at)
$locale['dict100'] = "Ordbog";
$locale['dict101'] = "En ordbog med opslag i forskellige kategorier og muligheden for at kunne bed?mme opslag";
$locale['dict102'] = "Ordbog";
$locale['dict103'] = "1.00";

$locale['dict201'] = "Overs?ttelse";
$locale['dict202'] = "Dato tilf?jet/<br />rettet";
$locale['dict203'] = "Oprettet<br />af";
$locale['dict204'] = "Ord";
$locale['dict205'] = "Overs?ttelse";
$locale['dict206'] = "Bed?mmelse";
$locale['dict207'] = "Kategori";
$locale['dict208'] = "Stemmer";

$locale['dict301'] = "Mere information om: ";
$locale['dict302'] = "Rediger ord";
$locale['dict303'] = "Tilf?j nyt ord";
$locale['dict304'] = "Gem ord";
$locale['dict305'] = "Tilbage til forrige side";
// Delete Dictionary Category
$locale['dict401'] = "Slet ordbogskategori";
$locale['dict402'] = "Ordbogskategori kan ikke slettes";
$locale['dict403'] = "Der er ord i denne kategori";
$locale['dict404'] = "Tilbage til ordbogskategori administration";
$locale['dict405'] = "Tilbage til startside";
$locale['dict406'] = "Ordbogskategori slettet";
// Add/Edit Dictionary Category Titles
$locale['dict420'] = "Rediger ordbogskategori";
$locale['dict421'] = "Tilf?j ordbogskategori";
$locale['dict422'] = "Arranger kategorier";
$locale['dict423'] = "Hovedindstillinger for ordbog";
$locale['dict424'] = "Arranger ord";
// Add/Edit Dictionary Category Form
$locale['dict430'] = "Kategori navn:";
$locale['dict431'] = "Kategoriy beskrivelse:";
$locale['dict432'] = "Gem ordbogskategori";
$locale['dict433'] = "Kategori adgang:";
// Current Dictinary Categories
$locale['dict440'] = "Nuv?rende ordbogskategorier";
$locale['dict441'] = "Ordbogskategori [Klik for at redigere]";
$locale['dict442'] = "Muligheder";
$locale['dict443'] = "Slet";
$locale['dict444'] = "Ingen ordbogskategorier oprettet";
$locale['dict445'] = "Adgang";
$locale['dict446'] = "Rediger";
// Sorting
$locale['dict450'] = "S?t r?kkef?lge efter";
$locale['dict451'] = "V?lg kategori: ";
$locale['dict452'] = "-";
$locale['dict453'] = "Ingen ordbogskategorier er oprettet endnu";
$locale['dict454'] = "Alfabetisk";
$locale['dict455'] = "Dato";
// Delete Term
$locale['dict460'] = "Advarsel: Vil du virkelig slette dette ord?";
// Delete Category
$locale['dict471'] = "Slet ordbogskategori";
$locale['dict472'] = "Advarsel: Vil du slette denne kategori?";
// Current Terms
$locale['dict500'] = "Nuv?rende ordbogs ord";
$locale['dict501'] = "Ordbogskategori";
$locale['dict502'] = "Muligheder";
$locale['dict503'] = "Rediger";
$locale['dict504'] = "Slet";
// No Terms/Dictionary Categories Defined
$locale['dict505'] = "Der er ikke tilf?jet ord til denne kategori endnu";
$locale['dict506'] = "Ingen ordbogskategorier oprette endnu";
$locale['dict507'] = "Ordbogskategori administration";
$locale['dict508'] = "Ingen ordbogskategorier oprettet endnu";
$locale['dict509'] = "Der skal oprettes mindst en kategori f?r du kan tilf?je nogle ord";
$locale['dict510'] = "Klik her";
$locale['dict511'] = " for at g? til ordbogskategorier";
$locale['dict512'] = "Ingen ord er er blevet tilf?jet de nuv?rende kategorier.";
// Dictionary - General Settings
$locale['dict601'] = "Hovedindstillinger";
$locale['dict602'] = "Overs?t fra:";
$locale['dict603'] = "[Standard i denne infusion er hjemmesidens sprog]";
$locale['dict604'] = "Overs?t til:";
$locale['dict605'] = "[Venligst indstil m?l-sproget i ordbogen - hovedindstillinger]";
$locale['dict606'] = "Gem indstillinger";
$locale['dict607'] = "Aktiver bed?mmelse:";
$locale['dict608'] = "Ja";
$locale['dict609'] = "Nej";
$locale['dict610'] = "Maksimum antal ord per side";

can't I attach files in this forum (zip) ?
... sometimes the danish letters ?, ?, ?, ?, ? and ? 'get lost' in the copy/paste fase between different systems ...
Thanks, helmuth, I will add this to the appropriate download as soon as you have attached the locale file. I have good and bad news: I am almost ready to throw the next version at you (that is the good news) but I have made several changes to the locale files (that is the bad news). I have changed dictxxx to termxxx (to cater for future use as both Dictionary and Glossary and dict is too restructed for that), a few definitions have been moved, some changed and a few have been added.
There is one complicating thing for the new update: I need the first defined category (dict_cat_id=1) to be "Submitted". That means that in existing installations it may be necessary to do some manual labour in PHPMyAdmin.

So, everyone that wants to use this infusion but have not done so yet, just hold your breath for a little while.

Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like banana (Groucho Marx)

sites: (site owner); www.phpfusion-ned... (superadministrator)
muscapaul wrote:
Thanks, helmuth, I will add this to the appropriate download as soon as you have attached the locale file.

done Wink

NOTE: this is the above mentioned Danish.php (the old version) ...

where do I find the new one ?
helmuth attached the following file:
Edited by helmuth on 11-05-2006 14:01
Danish locale added to beta_2804.

New files available from the new download package below.
Edited by muscapaul on 12-05-2006 13:30

Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like banana (Groucho Marx)

sites: (site owner); www.phpfusion-ned... (superadministrator)
In this update:
* HTML code removed from descriptions/translations on the list with terms.
* Page navigation correctly displaying the number of pages with items that can be view by the users at each user level.
* Possibility for members to submit terms that will be invisible (placed in a 'Submitted' category visible to admins only) until they are approved by an admin (transferred to proper category).
* Possibility for admins to set terms as synonyms. Clicking the term in the list will display a page with a link to the page of which the first term is a synonym.
* Possibility for users to view the list with or without the synonyms.
* Option to sort by date of submission removed.
* User can set number of items displayed. The option for the maximum number of items is removed from the General Settings.
* Locale definitions will use 'term' as prefix rather than 'dict' to cater for future use as Glossary (dict would be to restricted).
* Change of some field names in the database tables (same reason as above) that can be dealt with in an update procedure.

* Get the options for number of items to be displayed and for synonym display ported to the next page when using page navigation. DONE (see post below)
* Introduce access management for a specific user group rather than admin. DONE (see post below)
* Offer different infusion.php versions and different locale sets for use either in default mode, or as the Dictionary or the Glossary. (nearing comletion)
* Give instructions for using [ glos] [/ glos] tags (modding of maincore.php to get the tags parsed and modding of other files to create the code buttons).

This 'update' is not actually an update. The folders and files have been renamed to reflect the broader purpose of dealing with terms in a more general way (so either as Dictionary or as Glossary). That means that a simple update will not be possible anymore because data have to be changed in the core tables as well.
I have writen instructions to lead users of the beta_2804 through a procedure to modify their existing database tables using the Preview function in Custom Pages and Database Backup and Restore. After that the new Terms Infusion (Dictionary/Glossary) can be infused. If, after the final actions of the upgrade the new infusion works satisfactorily, the old infusion can be defuse and the relevant folder deleted.

DOWNLOAD: (last updated: 12.05.2006)

To get an idea what I have in mind at a later stage, click on >> Potato <<.

PLEASE NOTE: The system is not yet updated to the terms infusion here.
Edited by muscapaul on 19-07-2006 18:00

Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like banana (Groucho Marx)

sites: (site owner); www.phpfusion-ned... (superadministrator)
In the next version:
* Bug fix: Options for number of items to be displayed and for synonym display ported to the next page when using page navigation.
* Three different infusion files are prepared for different kinds of infusion: Glossary, Dictionary of Default (or rather no choice yet made between the former two), each has a separate locale folder. Modes can be switched in the General Settings of the infusion and correct locale will be used.
* Access management using usergroups rather than just admin levels.
* Option for complete, alphabetically sorted list without category indication (in particular for the Glossary part).
* Only the settings applicable ta a particular are visible in the General Settings panel (so no translation settings visible in Glossary mode).
* Some further improvement in navigation of synonymic terms.

* Give instructions for using tags (modding of maincore.php to get the tags parsed and modding of other files to create the code buttons).
* Introduce some for of image management.
* Introduce second type of synonym, to cater for the same term having two different meanings (homonym).
Edited by muscapaul on 27-05-2006 14:12

Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like banana (Groucho Marx)

sites: (site owner); www.phpfusion-ned... (superadministrator)
Any update yet paul? Smile
Hehe, I have come a long way now. Check the Glossary at http://www.dipter.../terms.php.

I guess I should have updated the lot, but I continued working on it for v6.01.x. By now I have one or two tiny little things to sort and then update the infusion scripts.

I was just wondering if I should go through the bother of writing update instructions from the previous version or if people will start afresh. You wrote you have a Dictionary. Are there terms in it already or could you start afresh? If so, I can try to update the infusions scripts at my earliest convenience and make that available for download.

Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like banana (Groucho Marx)

sites: (site owner); www.phpfusion-ned... (superadministrator)
I installed it fresh. There are no terms since I could not get the terms to save. So yes, I could start fresh. Smile
Okay, I will keep you posted.

Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like banana (Groucho Marx)

sites: (site owner); www.phpfusion-ned... (superadministrator)
Will be patiently waiting. Grin
Don't think it will be long. Wink Cheked most of it already. Just wading through the readme and then I should be able to put it up for download.

Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like banana (Groucho Marx)

sites: (site owner); www.phpfusion-ned... (superadministrator)
New version available!

New in this version:
* Fully compliant with v6.01.x
* Bug fix: Options for number of items to be displayed and for synonym display ported to the next page when using page navigation.
* Three different infusion files are prepared for different kinds of infusion: Glossary, Dictionary of Default (or rather no choice yet made between the former two), each has a separate locale folder. Modes can be switched in the General Settings of the infusion and correct locale will be used.
* Access management using usergroups rather than just admin levels.
* Glossary in default presents alphabetically sorted list without category indication. Categories can still be selected to reduce the number of displayed items.
* Only the settings applicable to a particular mode are visible in the General Settings panel (so no translation settings visible in Glossary mode).
* Some further improvement in navigation of synonymic terms.
* Instructions are given for the use of [glos ] tags (modding of maincore.php to get the tags parsed and modding of other files to create the code buttons). Particularly aimed at Glossary but can be used in Dictionary as well.
* Introduction of second type of synonym, to cater for the same term having two different meanings (homonym).

* Introduce some for of image management.

This package includes no update instructions for previous versions. If you want to upgrade an existing installation, please ask me via PM and I will provide instructions.

DOWNLOAD: (last updated: 19.07.2006)

To get an idea what a Glossary page looks like, click on >> Potato << or visit a glossary in action at
Edited by muscapaul on 20-07-2006 00:36

Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like banana (Groucho Marx)

sites: (site owner); www.phpfusion-ned... (superadministrator)
There is no infusion directory? The file that
I was having problems with is not even in the package?
Am I supposed to use the old ones or did you forget to add some files? Wink
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