Thread subject: muscapaul's PHP-Fusion website :: Admin rights: When you are experiencing problems after upgrading from v6 to v7

Posted by muscapaul on 10-10-2008 12:15

I noticed an error that crept up in most of the upgrade scripts for upgrading from v6 to v7 versions of a number of infusions.

Before reporting the error, please check if the solutions offered here help you out. The corrected scripts will be included in the next update for each of the packages but I will not update the packages to new versions yet.

If you have admin rights problems with any of the below infusions, copy-paste the given code in a Custom Page and preview it. After that you should be okay.

Error Reports:
$result = dbquery ("UPDATE ".DB_ADMIN." SET admin_rights = 'ERR' WHERE admin_link='..//infusions//error_reports//error_reports_admin.php'");

Extended Profile:
$result = dbquery ("UPDATE ".DB_ADMIN." SET admin_rights = 'XPF' WHERE admin_link='..//infusions//extended_profile//extended_profile_admin.php'");

Forum - Accepting Code of Conduct:
$result = dbquery ("UPDATE ".DB_ADMIN." SET admin_rights = 'FCOC' WHERE admin_link='..//infusions//forum_coc//fcoc_settings.php'");

Forum - Threads Limiter:
$result = dbquery ("UPDATE ".DB_ADMIN." SET admin_rights = 'FLIM' WHERE admin_link='..//infusions//forum_limit//forum_limit_settings.php'");

$result = dbquery ("UPDATE ".DB_ADMIN." SET admin_rights = 'NL' WHERE admin_link='..//infusions//newsletter_panel//newsletter_admin.php'");

$result = dbquery ("UPDATE ".DB_ADMIN." SET admin_rights = 'TER' WHERE admin_link='..//infusions//terms//terms_admin.php'");