Thread subject: muscapaul's PHP-Fusion website :: Newsletter Infusion v2.xx

Posted by muscapaul on 31-07-2008 19:35

New version: v2.00

A system that will alow you to write newsletters, store them and send them. Newsletters can be sent in plain text or HTML formats.
Members can add themselves to the subscribers list by clicking a link in the Newsletter Subscription Panel and can remove themselves in a similar fashion.

Upgrade of the last version of Newsletter Infusion as available for PHP-Fusion v6 from the main PHP-Fusion site.

- Code completely updated for compatibility with PHP-Fusion v7.
- Added code to clean the list of subscribers from deleted members before a newsletter is sent.
- Some improvements to Newsletter Subscription Management

Upgrading from PHP-Fusion v6 to PHP-Fusion v7:
Please note, if you want to upgrade your Newsletter Infusion during a PHP-Fusion version upgrade from v6 to v7, there is no need to defuse the infusion. There will be no error messages as long as you upload the infusion files at the same time as the PHP-Fusion files. When you upload the infusion files, you can simply overwrite the existing ones.
PHP-Fusion v7 utilises a somewhat different system for administering admin rights for Infusions. In v6 it used to be a single setting that gave rights to all Infusions. Under the new version every infusion will be given its own code for admin rights. As a result it is necessary to run an upgrade script (../infusions/newsletter_panel/v6-7upgrade.php) that will at least add the rights for the primary Superadministrator. The file has checkboxes to indicate whether all superadmins should be given access rights to the Newsletter Infusion and/or whether all admins with Infusion Administration rights should be given those rights.
This script only needs to be run if a site is upgraded from PHP-Fusion v6 to v7. Even though a check has been built in to prevent the script from being run after the upgrade has already been performed, it is advised to delete the script from your server after upgrading.

DOWNLOAD (last version: 01.08.2008)
* Some errors corrected in infusion.php.

Notice: Undefined index: post_edituser in /home/muscapal/public_html/print.php on line 147
Edited by muscapaul on 02-08-2008 00:30