Thread subject: muscapaul's PHP-Fusion website :: Extended Profile v3.XX

Posted by muscapaul on 14-08-2008 19:23

New version: v3.02

Don't forget to read the first post in the thread for updating from previous versions and additional information.

Changes in v3.02:
- Modified core files updated to the final version of PHP-Fusion v7.00.
- Small update to the v6-7 upgrade script to set administrator rights correctly in the admin table.

If you are currently using v3.00 or v3.01, you may eventually run into a problem because of an incorrect setting in the admin table. Previewing the code below in a Custom Page should correct it:
$result = dbquery ("UPDATE ".DB_ADMIN." SET admin_rights = 'TER' WHERE admin_link='../infusions/terms/terms_admin.php'");

The layout error reported by Puma (andpreviously know to me for a few other themes) has not been solved yet as it is still not clear whether this is a result of the theme strcture or something in the admin script.

DOWNLOAD (last version: 14.08.2008)

Notice: Undefined index: post_edituser in /home/muscapal/public_html/print.php on line 147
Edited by muscapaul on 14-08-2008 19:31