Thread subject: muscapaul's PHP-Fusion website :: Users by Profile Attribute

Posted by itsmi on 30-01-2009 20:25

I found the way to make it :

Find line 90 and 163 (more or less) (example is for user_group number 1)

$result=dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".$db_prefix."users WHERE user_status!='1' AND user_groups=.1 ORDER BY ".$sorting." ".$sort."");

$result=dbquery("SELECT ep.prop_value prop_value, ep.prop_name prop_name, ep.prop_user_id, u.user_name user_name, u.user_id user_id FROM ".$db_prefix."extended_profile_values ep INNER JOIN ".$db_prefix."users u WHERE ep.prop_user_id=u.user_id AND ep.prop_name='$show_what' AND user_groups=.1 ORDER BY ".$sorting." ".$sort."");


Notice: Undefined index: post_edituser in /home/muscapal/public_html/print.php on line 147
Edited by itsmi on 30-01-2009 20:25