Thread subject: muscapaul's PHP-Fusion website :: Extended Profile v2.xx

Posted by GruntZ on 28-12-2007 22:50

Nope.. i can only see 1 field at a time..

here is a screnshoot u can see..

in this ss there are 3 fields.. but u can opnly see the 1 one..


the other fields are test 2 and test3 and u cant see those

Posted by GruntZ on 30-12-2007 00:14

Any ideas?

Posted by muscapaul on 30-12-2007 00:25

Not really. Never heard of this problem before. Make certain that both the fields you enter are unique.

Posted by GruntZ on 30-12-2007 02:14

they are.. and the fields are also shown in the users profile...

So its preety wierd..

Posted by muscapaul on 30-12-2007 15:21

Just to be certain, can you download the package again and re-upload the contents of the infusion folder?

Posted by DOOM on 01-01-2008 07:23

i like the mod, but i would like to know how to call a certain filleds.

sorry im still learning how to call of the data base still a noooooob

Posted by muscapaul on 01-01-2008 14:25

That would be something custom-made. Where do you want to call the fields? You only want some fields to be displayed in profile pages? In that case you need to define the fields but you do not have the possibility to redefine those fields without the need to change your custom-made solution either.
If you provide the necessary information I can create it for you, but you will have to be patient as I have other matters that have rpiority.

Posted by DOOM on 01-01-2008 14:35

i want to create a Custom Pages in php so it will pull up just the new field i made the fields i
DB field name ps3_name
Field Display PS3 User Name

i want to show the user_id then what the put in the field right know mine says TEST

so it look like

Notice: Undefined index: post_edituser in /home/muscapal/public_html/print.php on line 114
Edited by DOOM on 02-01-2008 03:31

Posted by GruntZ on 02-01-2008 06:05

muscapaul wrote:
Not really. Never heard of this problem before. Make certain that both the fields you enter are unique.

hi again..

i just installed it again using ur files on clean website..

and same error as above....

Posted by muscapaul on 02-01-2008 12:24

GruntZ wrote:
i just installed it again using ur files on clean website..

and same error as above....
Those were from a freshly downloaded package?

Notice: Undefined index: post_edituser in /home/muscapal/public_html/print.php on line 114
Edited by muscapaul on 02-01-2008 12:25

Posted by muscapaul on 02-01-2008 20:04

DOOM wrote:
i want to create a Custom Pages in php so it will pull up just the new field i made the fields i
DB field name ps3_name
Field Display PS3 User Name

i want to show the user_id then what the put in the field right know mine says TEST

so it look like

I'll send you something later on.

Posted by DOOM on 03-01-2008 07:38

ok when you get a chance and thanks ;)

Posted by GruntZ on 03-01-2008 17:35

muscapaul wrote:
GruntZ wrote:
i just installed it again using ur files on clean website..

and same error as above....
Those were from a freshly downloaded package?


Posted by muscapaul on 03-01-2008 17:42

Hmm, maybe you can grant me access to your site with limited admin rights and I can see if there is anything that I can do from there. Details in a PM?

Posted by DOOM on 04-01-2008 11:10

the same thing with mine when i have 3 or more fields it only shows one at a time.;)

Posted by muscapaul on 04-01-2008 13:01

Er..., since you mention '3 or more', does it show when there are two?

BTW: In the latest downloadable version (2.18) I have the same ../infusions/extended_profile/extended_profile_admin.php as on my website and it works perfectly well there, with all four fields displaying in 'Current Fields'.

Can you please both send me your MySQL and PHP versions (see PHP Info in Admin Panel -> System Admin).

Posted by DOOM on 05-01-2008 04:42

muscapaul wrote:
Er..., since you mention '3 or more', does it show when there are two?

not even with Two

MySQL Support enabled
Active Persistent Links  0 
Active Links  1 
Client API version  4.1.22 

PHP Version 5.2.5

Posted by muscapaul on 10-01-2008 20:27

Try this code. It will only display for members.
if (iMEMBER) {
    $result=dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".$db_prefix."extended_profile_values t1 INNER JOIN  ".$db_prefix."users t2 ON t1.prop_user_id=t2.user_id WHERE prop_name='ps3_name' ORDER BY user_id");
    echo "<table width='100%' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' class=''>";
    if (dbrows($result) != 0) {
        while ($data = dbarray($result)) {
            if ($data['prop_value'] != '') {
            echo "<tr><td class='small' align='left'><a href='profile.php?lookup=$data[user_id]' title=''>";
            echo $data['user_name']."</a></td><td>";
            echo stripslashes($data['prop_value'])."</td></tr>";
echo "</table>";
else { }

To make it display for all, remove the line
if (iMEMBER) {
and remove the } above else { }.
To make it admin only replace iMEMBER by iADMIN or iSUPERADMIN.

Notice: Undefined index: post_edituser in /home/muscapal/public_html/print.php on line 114
Edited by muscapaul on 10-01-2008 20:28

Posted by DOOM on 11-01-2008 08:29

thank you for this it works great

Posted by muscapaul on 11-01-2008 21:38

The issue with non-appearing fields seems to be browser related: GruntZ's site does not show these fields using IE (7 in my case) but does show them on Firefox 2. I also tried with a standard theme and then the problem remained.
So, it is not specific to certain themes.

My guess is that it is related to some installed infusions or mods. DOOM, can you send me a list with infusions, so I can check for communality?