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Terms Infusion v3.XX
New version: v3.00

* This infusion provides the possibility to build a glossary or dictionary with your own chosen terms.
* The infusion mode (Glossary, Dictionary and Default [no choice between the former two made]) can be changed in the infusions's General Settings.
* The terms can be categorized in categories of your own definition.
* Translations/descriptions can be formatted using BBcode (with the exception of ).
* Members can submit terms that will be assigned a status 'Submitted'. The submitted terms can be placed in the approriate category or, if this one is not present, in the category 'Submitted' (which is created upon infusion). Superadmin and Administrators (when assigned the appropriate rights under Admin Panel -> User Admin -> Administrators) can publish submitted terms by changing the term status and transfering it to the appropriate category. A list of terms that were submitted and not yet approved can be seen by choosing the 'Submitted terms' in the drop-down menu 'Show Synonyms'.
* Visibility access can be set for each separate category (enabling 'premium access' to categories for members, if so desired).
* Individual terms can always be commented on, allowing suggestions for alternative translations/explanations.
* Two different display options for the whole list, option to be set in General Settings.
* Terms can be designated as synonyms with fixed format with a link to the correct word. If a certain term is synonymous with two different terms (homonymy), then a synonymy category with free format can be assigned, allowing redirection to the different terms in the way you choose.
* Ratings system for individual terms optional (General Settings, by default set to off).
* Maximum number of displayed items on a page can be changed by the visitor (default: 20; other options: 5, 10, and 50).
* Visitor can choose to view lists with or without the synonyms.
* Upon infusion a Dictionary/Glossary link is added to the Navigation panel.
* A panel can be added that shows the number of submitted Terms including a link to a page with the submitted terms.
* Separate instructions are provided to allow the use of [glos] tags that will lead to the page with the term enclosed between the tags (if created). Primarily aimed at the Glossary but can be used in the Dictionary, too.

- Completely updated to work under PHP-Fusion v7.
- Change to the locale system, utilizing single locale file for locale terms common to the different types.
- Administrative rights assigned through Admin Panel -> User Admin -> Administrators, rather than through Terms -> General Settings.
- The two display versions that each were previously reserved for one of the infusion types can now be selected in the General Settings to be used in all types.
- Fixd some bugs in the correct pagination when different selections were made for categories, items per page and whether synonyms should be shown or not.
- Term Submissions panel will only be displayed when there are terms with the status 'Submitted'.

Upgrading from PHP-Fusion v6 to PHP-Fusion v7:
Upgrading starts by uploading the infusion files, overwriting the existing ones, and, if the use of glos tags is desired, uploading the modified core files or updating them manually (see readme file).
PHP-Fusion v7 utilises a somewhat different system for administering admin rights for Infusions. In v6 it used to be a single setting that gave rights to all Infusions. Under the new version every infusion will be given its own code for admin rights. As a result it is necessary to run an upgrade script (../infusions/terms/v6-7upgrade.php) that will at least at the rights for the primary Superadministrator. The file has checkboxes to indicate whether all superadmins should be given access rights to the Terms Infusion and/or whether all admins with administration rights to the Terms Infusion should be given those rights and/or all admins with administration rights to the Terms Infusion should be given those rights. In the latter case it must be noted that these Members automatically become Administrators with rights to the Terms Infusion but also with the rights that are awarded to Aministrators by default.
This script only needs to be run if a site is upgraded from PHP-Fusion v6 to v7. Even though a check has been built in to prevent the script from being run after the upgrade has already been performed, it is advised to delete the script from your server after upgrading.

DOWNLOAD (last version: 11.07.2008)

Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like banana (Groucho Marx)

sites: (site owner); www.phpfusion-ned... (superadministrator)
Changes in v3.01:
- Added the modified ../maincore.php for parsing glos tags which was forgotten in the previous version. (Even if it had not been forgotten it would have been necessary to update it because of an updated version in the pre-release core of PHP-Fusion v7. Wink)

Upgrade PHP-Fusion v6 -> v7: See above.
Upgrade Terms Infusion v3.00 -> 3.01: Simply replace ../maincore.php with the version in ../changed-files/ or follow the instructions for ../maincore.php in tags_README_en.txt.

DOWNLOAD (last version: 14.07.2008)


Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like banana (Groucho Marx)

sites: (site owner); www.phpfusion-ned... (superadministrator)
New version: v3.02

Don't forget to read the first post in the thread for updating from previous versions and additional information.

Changes in v3.02:
- Redirect code for Terms Submissions Panel when call from outside the website updated to conform with PHP-Fusion v7 standards.
- Modified core files updated to the final version of PHP-Fusion v7.00.
- Added missing code for parsing glos tags when previewing Articles, Custom Pages and News.
- Some small code optimizations.
- Small update to the v6-7 upgrade script to set administrator rights correctly in the admin table.

If you are currently using v3.00 or v3.01, you may eventually run into a problem because of an incorrect setting in the admin table. Previewing the code below in a Custom Page should correct it:
Download source  Code
$result = dbquery ("UPDATE ".DB_ADMIN." SET admin_rights = 'TER' WHERE admin_link='../infusions/terms/terms_admin.php'");

DOWNLOAD (last version: 14.08.2008)

Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like banana (Groucho Marx)

sites: (site owner); www.phpfusion-ned... (superadministrator)
New version: v3.03

Don't forget to read the first post in the thread for updating from versions for PHP-Fusion v6 and additional information.

Changes in v3.03:
- Corrections to all infusion.php files: conditional to set infusion version in settings corrected; adding a missing ' in the row inserting data in the settings table and rmoving a redundant field name in the same line (error reported by ytterx).
- Locale file ../2locale/English.php cleaned of definitions that were commented out.

If you are currently using v3.00 or v3.01, you may eventually run into a problem because of an incorrect setting in the admin table. Previewing the code below in a Custom Page should correct it:
Download source  Code
$result = dbquery ("UPDATE ".DB_ADMIN." SET admin_rights = 'TER' WHERE admin_link='../infusions/terms/terms_admin.php'");

DOWNLOAD (last version: 21.08.2008)

Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like banana (Groucho Marx)

sites: (site owner); www.phpfusion-ned... (superadministrator)
link last topic is not loading!
You mean the last donwload link does not work? Then try again. The server is acting up (still). I am looking for another host right now.

Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like banana (Groucho Marx)

sites: (site owner); www.phpfusion-ned... (superadministrator)
attached the revised locales for 2locale Wink
helmuth attached the following file:
Trade Mad
I'm getting lots of "Undefined Index" errors.. Isn't it compatible with v7?

EDIT: Ok, I've joined locale and 2locale files and errors gone.. Why didn't you put a single file? (:
Edited by Trade Mad on 31-08-2008 05:48
Because it depends on which version you use which locale is needed. The present situation should prevent having three large locale files that need translation and have four smaller ones. I will try to find out what is wrong.

Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like banana (Groucho Marx)

sites: (site owner); www.phpfusion-ned... (superadministrator)
New version: v3.04

Don't forget to read the first post in the thread for updating from versions for PHP-Fusion v6 and additional information.

Changes in v3.04:
- Corrections to all admin files for complete compliance with multi-site feature of PHP-Fusion.
- Corrected access settings that were erroneously let to usergroup rather than admin settings.
- Corrected non-English locales for Default settings which did not include the correct reference for the second locale file.

If you are currently using v3.00 or v3.01, you may eventually run into a problem because of an incorrect setting in the admin table. Previewing the code below in a Custom Page should correct it:
Download source  Code
$result = dbquery ("UPDATE ".DB_ADMIN." SET admin_rights = 'TER' WHERE admin_link='../infusions/terms/terms_admin.php'");

DOWNLOAD (last version: 01.09.2008)

Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like banana (Groucho Marx)

sites: (site owner); www.phpfusion-ned... (superadministrator)
New version: v3.05

Don't forget to read the first post in the thread for updating from versions for PHP-Fusion v6 and additional information.

Changes in v3.05:
- Corrections to all versions of infusion.php to prevent error message of non-existing table on first infusions (thx to afaaro for noting it).
- Correction of erroneous code preventing correct infusion for Default type (depricated field remained in code and one closing single quote missed).

If you are currently using v3.00 or v3.01, you may eventually run into a problem because of an incorrect setting in the admin table. Previewing the code below in a Custom Page should correct it:
Download source  Code
$result = dbquery ("UPDATE ".DB_ADMIN." SET admin_rights = 'TER' WHERE admin_link='../infusions/terms/terms_admin.php'");

DOWNLOAD (last version: 08.09.2008)

Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like banana (Groucho Marx)

sites: (site owner); www.phpfusion-ned... (superadministrator)
New version: v3.06

Don't forget to read the first post in the thread for updating from versions for PHP-Fusion v6 and additional information.

Changes in v3.06:
- Link colour in Term Submissions panel changed from red to default link colour for side panels (because of interference with colours in some themes).

Update from earlier v3 releases by uploading the contents of the files folder to your server.

If you are currently using v3.00 or v3.01, you may eventually run into a problem because of an incorrect setting in the admin table. Previewing the code below in a Custom Page should correct it:
Download source  Code
$result = dbquery ("UPDATE ".DB_ADMIN." SET admin_rights = 'TER' WHERE admin_link='../infusions/terms/terms_admin.php'");

DOWNLOAD (last version: 23.09.2008)

Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like banana (Groucho Marx)

sites: (site owner); www.phpfusion-ned... (superadministrator)
New version: v3.07

Don't forget to read the first post in the thread for updating from versions for PHP-Fusion v6 and additional information.

Changes in v3.07:
- Bug fixed: Images rendered by img tags were not displaye correctly in pages using both glos and img tags: The Terms Infusion includes files and the BB-code files were updated.
- The script calling the image popup layers now called using ../includes/footer_includes.php rather than the header files in ../themes/templates/.

Update from earlier v3 releases by uploading the contents of the files folder to your server. Re-upload the contents of the changed-files/includes/ folder. On the server, replace the three header files in the folder ../themes/templates/ with the original ones from the PHP-Fusion core package (unless you made modifications for other reasons).

If you are currently using v3.00 or v3.01, you may eventually run into a problem because of an incorrect setting in the admin table. Previewing the code below in a Custom Page should correct it:
Download source  Code
$result = dbquery ("UPDATE ".DB_ADMIN." SET admin_rights = 'TER' WHERE admin_link='../infusions/terms/terms_admin.php'");

DOWNLOAD (last version: 06.10.2008)

Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like banana (Groucho Marx)

sites: (site owner); www.phpfusion-ned... (superadministrator)
muscapaul wrote:
New version: v3.08

Changes in v3.08:
- Bug in parse function corrected: Parsing glos tags when no items were added to the Glossary yet resulted in an error and parsed texted was not displayed.
- Modified version of ../maincore.php updated as it was not based on the version as included in the downloadable core package.
- Modified versions of ../news.php, ../viewpage.php and ../includes/custom_pages.php updated to latest SVN version (1015).
- Error fixed: Upgrade script was faulty for updating the admin rights in the admin table. If you experience any problems related to admin rights, please run the code as given in the forum on

Update from releases before v3.07:
Please update to v3.07 as described in this thread above.

Update from v3.07:
Upload the contents of the files folder to your server.
Upload the modified core files mentioned under Changes in v3.08 above or perform the manual modifications of these core files.
Run the upgrade in Admin Panel -> System Panel -> Infusions -> Terms.

DOWNLOAD (last version: 13.10.2008)

Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like banana (Groucho Marx)

sites: (site owner); www.phpfusion-ned... (superadministrator)
i installed the Terms Infusion on my website.. and it is working Great,, but one thing is bothering, and this is the Comments...

i?m using the Glossary , and when a user trys to ad a comment ,, once clicked on Save , the user get redirected to the main page witout adding the comment..

i thought it my be an error of the comments generally on my website, but i tried to add comments in news & articles and it Did work without any problem...

so I?m not getting any Idea why is it like this Pfft

i?m wondering if u heard from any other user about the same problem,,,

I hope you can help me in this.. Smile
I'll check it out.

Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like banana (Groucho Marx)

sites: (site owner); www.phpfusion-ned... (superadministrator)
New version: v3.09

Changes in v3.09:
- Corrected database reference in terms.php that prevented comments to be posted.
- Some code optimisation in terms.php and prevention of division by zero error.

Update from releases before v3.08:
Please update to v3.08 as described in this thread above.
Then upload the contents of the files folder to your server.
Run the upgrade in Admin Panel -> System Panel -> Infusions -> Terms.

DOWNLOAD (last version: 08.01.2009)

Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like banana (Groucho Marx)

sites: (site owner); www.phpfusion-ned... (superadministrator)
thanks alot Smile
New version: v3.10

Changes in v3.10:
- Updated modified core files maincore.php and viewpage.php after PHP-Fusion core update to v7.00.05.

Update from releases before v3.09:
Please update to v3.09 as described in this thread above.
Then upload the contents of both the files and changed-files folder to your server but if you modified one of the files included in the changed files folder for other reasons, see the readme documents for instruction on how to perform modifications to those files.
Run the upgrade in Admin Panel -> System Panel -> Infusions -> Terms.

DOWNLOAD (last version: 15.01.2009)

Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like banana (Groucho Marx)

sites: (site owner); www.phpfusion-ned... (superadministrator)
New version: v3.11

Changes in v3.11:
- (Re-)Added necessary code to modified core files in ../administration/ folder to see parsed glos tags in previews. (Perhaps I removed some of the code when the new BB-code system was introduced and I erroneously assumed that would take care of it.)
- Removed redundant line from infusion.php files.
- Added search capabilities using the core search page.
- Many code corrections to deal with W3C compliancy errors

If you are still on a release before v3.09:
Please update to v3.09 as described in this thread above.

If you are on v3.09 or v3.10:
Upload the contents of both the files and changed-files folder to your server BUT if you modified one of the files included in the changed files folder for other reasons, see the readme documents for instruction on how to perform modifications to those files.
Run the upgrade in Admin Panel -> System Panel -> Infusions -> Terms.

DOWNLOAD (last version: 02.07.2009)

Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like banana (Groucho Marx)

sites: (site owner); www.phpfusion-ned... (superadministrator)
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I found this site again!

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Cool! This site is still around!

18/10/2013 20:28
hey! Smile

25/06/2011 01:40
My name is Andreo, I'm new member Smile

25/06/2011 01:39
Hello Muscapaul, is there anyone here ?

13/09/2010 01:02
nice mod thanks Smile

10/07/2010 15:01
Paul, hows thing?

07/07/2010 03:47
Who becomes the world champion on football? We wil

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